

SEB Drawing Exam Notification 2022 | Apply Online

Prathmik and Madhyamik Chitrakam Kaxa Parixa Jahernamu 2022 | Elementary Intermediate Drawing Grade Exam 2022

SEB Drawing Exam Notification 2022 Details

Name of Organization: State Examination Board, Gujarat

Exam Name: Elementary Intermediate Drawing Grade Exam 2022

Notification Year: 2022

Notification Date: 7/12/2022

Online Application Start On: 9/12/2022

Online Application Last Date: 30/12/2022

Prathmik and Madhyamik Chitrakam Kaxa Parixa Jahernamu 2022 | Elementary Intermediate Drawing Grade Exam 2022

It has been decided to allot an examination center to the school which has a total of 100 or more students registered for the primary drawing examination in School.

It has been decided to allot an examination center to the school which has a total of 100 or more students enrolled in the secondary drawing examination.

It has been decided to keep the examination center at the nearest examination center for the students of the schools with less than 100 students enrolled in school or at any one school at the cluster level among such schools taking into consideration the geographical position.

The Chairman of the State Examination Board will take the final decision regarding the selection of the examination center.

SEB Drawing Exam Notification 2022 | Apply Online

Chitrakam Exam center Regarding the conduct of examination

Exam for Primary Drawing Exam and Post Exam Performance District PrimaryIt has been decided to retain the office of Education Officer.

Pre-examination and post-examination activities of District Education Officer for Secondary Drawing ExaminationIt has been decided to hold the office.

SEB Drawing Exam Qualification for Private / External candidates


1. You should have studied at least from 5th to 8th standard to appear in Primary Drawing Exam.

2. Candidates should have studied at least from 9th to 12th standard to appear in Secondary Drawing Examination.

3. Online form filling facility has been provided for those candidates who are not studying in school in class 5th to 12th or candidates who have to appear in primary or secondary drawing examination can apply as EXTERNAL CANDIDATES.

SEB Drawing Examination Fee for Private / External candidates

Examination Fee:

1. Primary Drawing Level Examination Rs.50/-

2. Secondary Drawing Level Examination Rs.60/-

3. Service charge is to be paid separately. Under no circumstances will the fees paid be refunded.

How to Apply Online for SEB Drawing Exam?

In terms of this advertisement, the application will be accepted online by the State Examination Board. Candidates can fill the application form at www.sebexam.org from 09/12/2022 (15:00 PM) to 30/12/2022 (23:59 PM). 

Candidates have to follow the following steps to apply. The application will be considered valid only after confirming the application form.

1. The entire form has to be filled in English.

2. First go to www.sebexam org.

3. Click on "Apply online".

4. After that, the target for primary drawing exam is “EMENTARY DRAWING GRADE EXAM 2022( Std 5 to 8 )” or if you want to give secondary drawing exam “INTERMEDIATE DRAWING GRADE EXAM - 2022( Std 9 to 12).

5. Click on Apply, By clicking on Apply Now, the student type will appear followed by REGULAR CANDIDATE and EXTERNAL

6. Two options such as CANDIDATE will appear, if there is a student, REGULAR CANDIDATE must be selected and If you want to take the exam as a private / bar candidate then select EXTERNAL CANDIDATE.


1. The details of the student have to be filled based on the U-DISE Number.

2. For school details should be filled on the basis of DISE Number of the school.(If showing old school details correct details)

3. After Application Number will be Generated, Will have to keep By saving.

4. Now check on Confirm Application. Type your Application Number here and type your "birth Date. Then click on Submit and Confirm. After confirming the application, Collen no will be generated, which you have to save and save.

5. After that, if you want to make online payment, online payment before printing the print application

6. Will have to do. Multiple payments can be made at once. Exam fee can be paid through online payment gateway CREDIT CARD/ATM Card/NET BANKING.

7. After online payment and Print Application Form. Take a print out if necessary.


1. EXTERNAL CANDIDATE the Form button will appear, which has to be done.

2. First all the requested information has to be filled.

3. Returning now saves your data. Here Candidate's Application Under will happen Which the candidate has to carry with him

4. Click on Upload photo signature and any one ID Proof, driving license, PAN card, Election card, Aadhaar card) at the top of the way page.

5. Here Type your Application Number and Type your birth Date. 

6. Then do Submit. Here Photo Signature and any one ID Proof, License, PAN Card, Election Card, Aadhaar Card⟩ are to be uploaded.

7. To upload Photo, Signature and any IT Proof (Driving Licence, PAN Card, Election Card, Aadhaar Card) first of all upload your Photo and Signature in 15 KB in PG format and any IT type having Licence, PAN Card, Election Card, Aadhaar card) should be in the computer in JPG/pdf format not more than 50KB in size. 

8. Click on the Browse Button. Now from the screen of choose File in which file in JPG format your photo, signature and any one byte driving license, pan card, election card, aadhar card) is stored. 

9. Select that file and click the Open button. 

10. Now click on the upload button next to the Browse button. Photo, Signature and any one ID proof have to be uploaded along with all three. Now your Phota, Signature and any IT proof (Driving License, PAN Card, Election Card, Aadhaar Card) will appear next to it.

11. Click on Way Confirm Application. Type your Application Number here and select your Date. Then click on Submit. By clicking on Confirm, the candidate's application will be accepted online in the board and only after that it will be considered valid.

12. Now click on Print Application / Challan Type your Confirmation Number here and Type your Birth Date. Then click on Submit, take a printout of the application form (if there is a need for a printout and if there is an arrangement, take a printout and take a photo of the other scene.

Method of Payment of Fee

1. Before printing the print application to make online payment, multiple payments can be made at one time, CREDIT CARD/ATM CARD/NET BANKING, exam fee can be paid through online payment gateway.

2. Click on PRINT APPLICATION and fill the details then click on ONLINE PAYMENT to make the online payment. Select the appropriate option from the given options and Also, your fee has been deposited to The Cup. You will get such a cold food, if you take a print out of it, it will be seen that there is no father's D written on it.

3. To get 1 receipt Click on "Print Receipt - Fill the details and fill in the brid - Gold can be received by online fee payer if no except is generated within 24 hours after the fee amount is deducted from his bank account.

4. If it has happened, the state examination board has to be contacted immediately by e-mail.

Guide instructions

The District Education Officers, Primary Education Officers/Government Officers shall compulsorily send a copy of this award to all Government Primary and Secondary Schools, Granted Schools, Private Schools under their control by date: 09/12/2022.

Full responsibility of any school if there is a complaint of non-receipt of notification or late receipt.

The office of the concerned District Education Officer/ District Primary Education Officer shall be the sole responsibility of the students to fill the application forms online for the examination which shall be of that school.

Regarding submission of application forms:

Primary Drawing Exam and Secondary Drawing Exam Application Forms Hard copy State Exam Not to be deposited at the Board. So be careful while filling the online form.

Important notices

1. If the students studying in the school apply as External Candldate, their form will be cancelled

2. Fees will not be refunded. In case of any difficulty in filling the application form, on the phone number given on the website

3. move Advertisements are also published in the educational magazines and newspapers published at the district level

4. Students should make efforts to appear in the examination.

5. Application form of at least 5 (five) students from each school of the district, taking into consideration the interest of the student.

6. Efforts shall be made to fill in if any student name, surname, date of birth, caste or any other error or edge while filling the form

7. If the student's name does not appear while entering the first number, the principal of the school in which the student is currently studying should contact the principal to correct the details of the student's Aadhar Dice number. After 24 hours of correction, fill the application form.

8. Any correction made in the first error detail on the last day of filling the application form will not be taken into consideration, therefore the form filler should correct the Aadhaar data keeping in mind the deadline of the application form.

9. It is the responsibility of the principal of that school to make corrections

10. Name, surname, date of birth, caste or any other matter will not be amended later by the board which should be noted.

Help Line Contact:

In case of any queries please contact the following numbers.

Administrative Help Line:

(079) 232 48461
(10:30 AM to 6:00 PM Only on working days)

Technical Help Line:

079 - 67779700

079 - 23256592

Important Link: