

Online CPD courses on Cyber ​​Hygiene Practice: Personal Digital Devices and Catch the Rain

Online CPD courses on Cyber ​​Hygiene Practice: Personal Digital Devices and Catch the Rain

DIKSHA will serve as the National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers.  All teachers across the country will be equipped with advanced digital technology.

The Diksha portal will allow, accelerate and expand solutions in the field of teacher training.  It will help teachers learn and train for which assessment resources will be available.  

It will help teachers create training content, profiles, classroom resources, assessment aids, news and announcements, and connect with the teacher community.

Cyber ​​Hygiene Practice: Personal Digital Device

Cyber ​​Hygiene Practice: Personal Digital Device

Start date: 5 December 2021

Expiry date: 28 February 2022

Course link: Click here

What is cyber hygiene?

Cyber ​​hygiene refers to the basic cyber security best practices that security professionals and organization users can follow.  Because you have personal hygiene practices to maintain your own health, the best practices of cyber hygiene help protect the health of your organization's network and assets.

Why is cyber hygiene important?

DHS wants agencies to make sure that the critical vulnerabilities identified in the cyber hygiene reports are corrected.  Based on the latest international activities announced by the DHS, we should expect retaliation from a well-known hostile state.

This is an immediate threat to the network of all public and private entities in the United States.  And most of the violations in the network are basically due to the exploitation of supervision in cyber hygiene.

Your organization should be able to evaluate your current cyber security posture and accurately evaluate your cyber hygiene.  You need to know what is on your network, how everything is connected and the risks involved.

Catch the rain

Catch the rain

Start date: 11 December 2021

Expiry date: 21 March 2022

Course link: Click here

Answer Key: Click here

The National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has launched an online course developed by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the Center for Environmental Education (CEE).  The 'Catch the Rain' campaign has been implemented by the Ministry of Water Power, Government of India.

Last date to enroll in NCERT online course on Catch the Rain.  According to the official information released by NCERT, on the date of completion of the course, the candidates can register themselves in the program on the initiation portal.

To inform interested candidates, the council wrote through its official Twitter account: "NCERT has launched an online course developed by the Ministry of Education with the support of UNICEF and Center for Environmental Education (CEE) as part of the national 'Catch'.  Rain Campaign @MoJSDoWRRDGR, implemented by Government of India.  "

Important link: